Sunday, June 30, 2019
4 blue marlin on fly rod in 3 days
not too shabby.......
Day trips are yiedling double digit sailfish days.
Excellent tuna fishing
All this in Costa Rica
Day trips are yiedling double digit sailfish days.
Excellent tuna fishing
All this in Costa Rica
Argentina openings
You know how the last day of the season can be, well the last three days of July are open for duck hunting in Argentina
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
Fly fishing for blue marlin report from the seamounts
Click the link for the complete report with all the details and more pics.
In short, 7 blue marlin releases on 20 # fly tackle in 3 days. Not too shabby.
Click the link for the complete report with all the details and more pics.
In short, 7 blue marlin releases on 20 # fly tackle in 3 days. Not too shabby.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Meanwhile here in Costa Rica I am working hard....
.....most days.
Capt. Jake and my buddy Mike are in town for a few days and we had to check out the Green Season fishing. Started the day catching cigar minnows which were very abundant up on the bank and had the sailifsh fat and lazy, making it tough for catching them on the fly. Most other boats had double digit bites/releases on conventional, but we managed only to raise 4 up to the teasers and only one of them ate the fly, but I caught him.

Those cigar minnows worked extremely well with the tunas. A school was reported a few miles away and we picked up and ran, caugth all the tunas we could want and ran back to the sails, all within an hour.

We spent another hour or so pounding the bottom and loading up on the snappas, one of them is going to be our guest of honor, grilled whole, next to the pool this afternoon.
The weather has been beautiful and typical for this time of year. No rain for 5 of the last 7 days except for perhaps a shower at night. Mornings like the pic below and amazing sunsets in the afternoon. We are very, very busy for the next couple of months but can still get you out on the water for a last minute Costa Rica Green Season vacation.

Jake is off to the seamounts in a few days and hopefully will have a good report from him, from the boats who are out there now we are hearing of consistent double digit days on blue marlin.
Capt. Jake and my buddy Mike are in town for a few days and we had to check out the Green Season fishing. Started the day catching cigar minnows which were very abundant up on the bank and had the sailifsh fat and lazy, making it tough for catching them on the fly. Most other boats had double digit bites/releases on conventional, but we managed only to raise 4 up to the teasers and only one of them ate the fly, but I caught him.

Those cigar minnows worked extremely well with the tunas. A school was reported a few miles away and we picked up and ran, caugth all the tunas we could want and ran back to the sails, all within an hour.

We spent another hour or so pounding the bottom and loading up on the snappas, one of them is going to be our guest of honor, grilled whole, next to the pool this afternoon.
The weather has been beautiful and typical for this time of year. No rain for 5 of the last 7 days except for perhaps a shower at night. Mornings like the pic below and amazing sunsets in the afternoon. We are very, very busy for the next couple of months but can still get you out on the water for a last minute Costa Rica Green Season vacation.
Jake is off to the seamounts in a few days and hopefully will have a good report from him, from the boats who are out there now we are hearing of consistent double digit days on blue marlin.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Big Rock vs. Costa Rica
June 10 Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament: 181 boats fished to release 18 blue marlin
June 10 Costa Rica seamounts: 2 boats fished to release 20 blue marlin (before lunch)
June 10 Costa Rica seamounts: 2 boats fished to release 20 blue marlin (before lunch)
Sunday, June 9, 2019
all the best from the tropics
I slipped down here to get away from the Big Rock crowds. Plenty of sunshine here in Costa Rica, a few rain drops and clouds in the afternoon. While we were chasing tunas up to 80 pounds yesterday the sailifsh bite was going off, some of the boats have 20 bites. By the time we got there, the bite slowed and we only raised a couple of lazy fish to the teasers, not hungry enough to eat the fly. Before going in we made a few drops to add some white meat to the red meat in the box, catching a handfull of really nice 10 pound red snappers.
I am working from here this week, shoot me an e mail, it's a good time to reach out and get your 2020 trip finalized.
I am working from here this week, shoot me an e mail, it's a good time to reach out and get your 2020 trip finalized.
Monday, June 3, 2019
mini wave and great fishing
Seems like we have a mini wave of cobias, lots of little ones included, but we have had a keeper each of the past few days. Hopefully this is a good sign for next year. Meanwhile, for those who are not restricted to only fishing for cobia or only fishing for sharks behind shrimp trawlers, the rest of the world has had some mighty fine catches.
Yesterday Greg had double digit aj's, a pair of cobia, kings, spanish mackeral as big as kings and grouper.
Tom Cat had all that minus the cobias, in place of them he put a couple of nearshore mahi in the box.
light tackle king mackeral bite has really fired off, great action and those are the size that fit in fish tacos really nicely.
Yesterday Greg had double digit aj's, a pair of cobia, kings, spanish mackeral as big as kings and grouper.
Tom Cat had all that minus the cobias, in place of them he put a couple of nearshore mahi in the box.
light tackle king mackeral bite has really fired off, great action and those are the size that fit in fish tacos really nicely.