Monday, May 19, 2014

Week in Review and miscalculations


Up until yesterday we have been enough cobia showing themselves to ride around and look for them.  Hopefully they'll show again or we'll have another wave come through, otherwise, I'll be getting the bottom gear together to load up on the bass and the groupers instead of wasting the whole day riding around in circles looking for brown ghosts and trolling for Spanish mackeral.

Over the past week, we saw over 100 cobia, catching 20 of them, including this 75 pounder caught during the Down East University-Crystal Coast Campus.  We caught keeper cobia every day that we fished except for yesterday and Tuesday, when we were trying to catch one on the fly.   This big black drum made the mistake of eating a fly along with a red drum equally as large and a false albacore over 20 pounds on spinning tackle, but no cobia.

With warming surface temps and another approaching wave, we are far from finished with sight casting cobes.......