Based on current conditions, the mornings offer excellent top water action with afternoon big numbers of stacked up stripers waiting for the girls to release their eggs.
Funny looking striped bass a long ways from home:
Many thanks to the "other half" of the IWFA (International Women's Fishing Association), the guys who get to ride along and watch their wives out fish them.

Many thanks to these ladies who came from all over the country to fish on the riva. Over 1000 striped bass caught and released alive in a day and a half.
After starting the morning with my "fish of the season" which was an awesome topwater bite teased up and switched over to a plastic eel on 3 pound braid. 
The smile is because this is a target species
yes, this also, as well as two species of catfish

Scattered fish can be caught starting at the boat ramp all the way to Plymouth, but there are several places in the river where there is a "Gathering"

Jennings with a good 'un