Sunday, August 25, 2019

Now you know what to call them and double digits

Now that you know what to call them, my report from yesterday morning was 3 old drum, a single and a double header while fishing 4 different spots.

Yesterday afternoon I stopped on some bait and caught 1 old drum then I moved to where I caught the double header in the morning.  The wind machine had started and we could not fish more than 4 rods due to the fierce bluefish bite and steady drum action.  We ended up landing 3 puppy drum, 8 yearlings and double digits of the big uns.

What are double digits?
We refer to a catch of ten fish or more as "double digits"
The hope is to keep in perspective the significance and value of catching just one of these big drum.  Some days we catch less and some days we catch a lot more, but catching 10 in a day is a really big deal.  We want to keep expectations in check and not make catching these giants a competition.