Double digit days are upon us
OK, things are really firing off now, including good morning fishing on the corks and artificial lures, see Capt. Mitch's pics below from today. He is open on Sunday if you want to go.
The double digit days are upon us with some guides reporting the edge of the "big wave" of big drum. I don't want this fishery to be about the numbers, that's why we do not support tournaments on these big spawners. Different strokes for different folks, but I don't want this fishery to be about the numbers; one or two fish/person is a great day. Period. Like in year's past, we will not be promoting numbers and will be reporting more than a couple fish/person as a XX or double digit day. 
If you want in on the action, it's only going to get better and should stay through that way with the big drum through the late September full moon. Capt. Greg, Mitch, Justin, Joe and more of our most requested "Down East Guides" still have some openings. We have several guides running only morning corking trips and others doing the afternoon bait thing.
Whatever your flavor, we still have some prime dates available, especially Sept. 1-5 and Sept. 11-17. Shoot me an e mail at or call at 252-671-3474