Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Moon Blues?

Pretty good morning drum bite, but we've had to work for them over the last couple of evenings.  Spawning only occurs at night, usually starting about sunset and lasting late into the night.  From Anna's drum research there seemed to be a correlation with spawning activity and the big moon phases, both full and new moons.   Maybe the last couple of days the drum were more interested in spawning than eating.

Not sure what the excuse is with the tarpon, we saw a lot of fish yesterday morning and caught several drum and plenty of sting rays, then conditions got perfect and I really expected to start seeing the tarpon roll.   The calmer it got, the quieter it got.  Nothing was going on, the only constant was an occasional sting ray bite.  I stood up in the tower for an hour scanning a greasy calm Pamlico Sound and saw nothing.  Nor did Capt. Ray or Capt. Brian.....they didn't even get an afternoon drum bite.......and that doesn't happen often.