Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blind date with Irene

I don't like the way this one looks, kind of got a bull's eye on us for this weekend. The good news is that just before and after a big blow, the fishing is incredible. Even the day after a hurricane, the winds are calm and the fish are biting. Barring a direct hit on Oriental, if you can get here, we should be able to get you fishing.

This weekend we have 6 Down East Guides that are booked with our customers. We want to fish, but will not put anyone in un safe conditions. We also understand that some folks will have to do some preparation to get ready for this storm and this may impact their travel plans. It's too early for us to start making weather cancellations, a near miss could allow us to fish every day.

If you have a trip booked this weekend, stay tuned and stay in touch with us.