Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronapanic and social distancing

Isolate from the older generation,  practice social distancing, do what is absolutley necessary to keep those who are vulnerable as safe as possible, but the world should not shut down. 

This is a failed fire drill with devastating economic consequences.   For sure this will help us learn how to do things when the Big One comes around. 

All this said, no one should question the decisions folks have to make for their family and we respect those decisions.   We will be forwarding deposits to future reservations, however, we will not be making cancellations on this end. 

For those who do not suffer from the coronapanic or coronavirus and are healthy, we have healthy guides available to take groups of 4 or less. 

Greg has a boat load of shad and a double limit of stripers from Weldon today, yes, there are catchable numbers of stripers already that far up the river. 

Stay safe out there