Jan. 2 "slowed down for us a little, we catch 2 sailfish and 3 doroadon and 2 yellowfins and had a blue marlin on for a few minutes but pulled him off".
Jan. 1 "we just fished a half day, raised 6 blue marlin and caught 2 and a bunch of dorado"
Dec. 31 "What a way to end the year, 6 for 6 on blue marlin and 6 for 8 sailifsh and 2 mahi mahi"
Dec. 30 "we catch 3 blue marlin, 5 sailfish and 3 mahi mahi"
Dec. 29 "A little better today, catch 2 blue marlin and 6 sailfish and 6 tunas"
Dec. 28 "Not too good with the hooking today, we missed 2 blue marllin and raised 10 sailfish, caught 4 of them"
Dec. 27 "fishing seems to be picking up, we were 8 for 9 on sails today"