Upcoming trips
Aug/Sept in NC: Prime time for mixed bag trips but the big drum are drawing anglers to Eastern NC from across the country. If you haven't gotten your dates reserved......I strongly suggest you do it now. Many of the guides during the peak season have very few openings.
Belize: Oct. 13-20 This is a great couples trip for those who have a passion for scuba diving or fishing for bonefish and permit. This is a perfect trip for those who want to be introduced to saltwater fly fishing, the guides are knowledgeable, patient and more than willing to fish with a light spinning rod and a live crab. :)
Costa Rica Tarpon: Oct. 21-25. The first group we are hosting is completely booked, but we still have room for the above dates. This is a must do for the serious tarpon fisherman. Extremely reasonable rates if you would like to add a couple days on the Pacific side with the Dragin Fly or just hang out on the beach.
Costa Rica peak season on the Dragin Fly: December/January: Only a few openings during the week for the first two weeks of December, then the calendar opens up for the end of the month and the first two weeks of January. This is the time to be there if you want to catch a marlin
February/March: Although we only have a few days available in February and early March, we can still get you on the water with some of our sister boats. More availability in late March and April with great fishing continuing through July and Green season discounts beginning in mid-April. (Also Green Season discounts now through mid-December)
Argentina Ducks and Doves: See the reports below, I am trying to round up a group to head down the week after Thanksgiving and already making plans for next July. We can arrange trips anytime for the year-round dove season and/or the duck season which runs May-August and mid-Oct through mid-December.
Belize: Oct. 13-20 This is a great couples trip for those who have a passion for scuba diving or fishing for bonefish and permit. This is a perfect trip for those who want to be introduced to saltwater fly fishing, the guides are knowledgeable, patient and more than willing to fish with a light spinning rod and a live crab. :)
Costa Rica Tarpon: Oct. 21-25. The first group we are hosting is completely booked, but we still have room for the above dates. This is a must do for the serious tarpon fisherman. Extremely reasonable rates if you would like to add a couple days on the Pacific side with the Dragin Fly or just hang out on the beach.
Costa Rica peak season on the Dragin Fly: December/January: Only a few openings during the week for the first two weeks of December, then the calendar opens up for the end of the month and the first two weeks of January. This is the time to be there if you want to catch a marlin
February/March: Although we only have a few days available in February and early March, we can still get you on the water with some of our sister boats. More availability in late March and April with great fishing continuing through July and Green season discounts beginning in mid-April. (Also Green Season discounts now through mid-December)
Argentina Ducks and Doves: See the reports below, I am trying to round up a group to head down the week after Thanksgiving and already making plans for next July. We can arrange trips anytime for the year-round dove season and/or the duck season which runs May-August and mid-Oct through mid-December.